March 2022

God is Your Father

God is Your Father

It is the privilege of all God’s children to call him Father. Perhaps you think you have little faith. Perhaps you want to be full of courage to face the challenges of life, but you stumble at every step, and even shadows make you afraid.

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Be a Dreamer

Be a Dreamer

Joseph was a dreamer. He was teased about it. He was bullied. He was almost killed by his brothers because of it. He spent years as a slave, and then in prison.

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Jesus Draws You to Himself

Jesus Draws You to Himself

He put out his hand and took her, and drew her into the ark to himself (Genesis 8:9, NKJV). Do remember the story of Noah and how he sent out the dove to see if there was dry land? Worn out with her long flight, the dove returns to the ark as her only resting place. How heavily she flies! Will she drop into the waters? Will she ever reach the ark? But she struggles on.

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