You’re my brother, you’re my sister

My Blessing!

You’re my brother, you’re my sister

For weeks now this song keeps coming back to my remembrance “you’re my brother, you’re my sister”. This is the chorus…’’ You’re my brother, you’re my sister, So take me by the hand Together we will work until He comes. There’s no foe that can defeat us When we’re walking side by side. So long as there is love, We will stand.’’ … Prayer is a gift I know we can give to each other. Personally, I have to have prayers, support, and love from my family and friends. The Lord has put in my life so many close and special friends. I am so blessed. Jesus puts people in our lives to be our friend, to help out in a situation, or just to be there to listen. We don’t have to do great acts or buy expensive gifts to be someone’s friend. When Jesus sends someone to us this person is not better than we are nor are we better than they are. We are here to help each other on this journey. The example Jesus gave us in the 13th chapter of John of His washing the disciples’ feet was to show them that after his crucifixion we are to help each other. In Bible times to wash someone’s feet was an example of being humble and of a loving service. The selfless giving of Christ is an unselfish giving of Himself.  ‘’By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another “John 13:35 (KJV) Jesus loved people; He didn’t turn anyone away that came to Him. Reach out your hand and let people know you really care for them. This is what this is all about friends; it is about helping others. Give someone a kind word today and encourage one another, my friends. Look around you; there are so many scenarios that could have happened to us all. It isn’t by chance the Lord has spared us and all of our families from so many things that could have happened. The Lord’s blessings are all around us each new day. Stay Encouraged.

Let us all remember in our prayers daily: All the many individuals suffering from all kinds of pain and heartaches. All the individuals with cancer, heart-related problems, diabetes, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually sick people everywhere. All those individuals that have the authority over our churches, our communities, our jobs, our government, our politicians, our leaders, homeless individuals, the many people who have lost their loved ones, all the elderly in the nursing homes, the shut-ins… that each day that someone will give them all a kind word, and a phone call or a card in the mail from their children. Let’s not forget all the little children with cancer at St. Jude’s hospital, the trauma units, all those individual are in financial ruin. Our service men and women as they are in harm’s way, they are protecting our freedom.

– Lynne Conley

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