You Can Have The Cookie Later!


“Mo, mo,” a little voice pleaded, through the cookie Caleb had just shoved past his crumb-ringed lips.  It is so hard for this Grandma to resist his requests, especially when accompanied by the cutest little smile you have ever seen.  I gathered all my resolve and answered, “Not now Caleb, wait until after lunch.”  The smile left and the voice demanded, “MO, MO.”  I stood my ground on this one, “Later Caleb, no more until after lunch.”  Caleb screwed up his face, rubbed his eyes and began to cry, “Mo, Mo.”  Did I give in?  Not this time because the cookie was not what he needed.  I distracted him with a book until he forgot about the cookie and we continued with the day.  At 21- months old, Caleb has no concept what the best decision is for him.  No, all Caleb understands is, “I WANT!”

Spiritually speaking, there are too many times I have behaved like a 21- month old.  I enjoyed just a taste of where God wants to lead me in the future and I want more NOW.  God may tell me, “Not now because there are some other things we have to enjoy first.  Some things I need to do in your life that will benefit you and make you strong.  You can enjoy the cookie later.”  I “stomp” my foot, question God, and demand “More, NOW!”  Since I’m not a 21-month old child, sometimes I reach into the cookie jar all by myself and take what God had not prepared me to receive.  After enjoying the illicit “cookie,” I wonder why I have a tummy ache and I am no longer hungry for the good things of God.

“Mo, mo,” a little voice pleaded, through the cookie Caleb had just shoved past his crumb-ringed lips.  It is so hard for this Grandma to resist his requests, especially when accompanied by the cutest little smile you have ever seen.  I gathered all my resolve and answered, “Not now Caleb, wait until after lunch.”  The smile left and the voice demanded, “MO, MO.”  I stood my ground on this one, “Later Caleb, no more until after lunch.”  Caleb screwed up his face, rubbed his eyes and began to cry, “Mo, Mo.”  Did I give in?  Not this time because the cookie was not what he needed.  I distracted him with a book until he forgot about the cookie and we continued with the day.  At 21- months old, Caleb has no concept what the best decision is for him.  No, all Caleb understands is, “I WANT!”

Spiritually speaking, there are too many times I have behaved like a 21- month old.  I enjoyed just a taste of where God wants to lead me in the future and I want more NOW.  God may tell me, “Not now because there are some other things we have to enjoy first.  Some things I need to do in your life that will benefit you and make you strong.  You can enjoy the cookie later.”  I “stomp” my foot, question God, and demand “More, NOW!”  Since I’m not a 21-month old child, sometimes I reach into the cookie jar all by myself and take what God had not prepared me to receive.  After enjoying the illicit “cookie,” I wonder why I have a tummy ache and I am no longer hungry for the good things of God.

If you have been given a dream or you have been asking God to open doors in your life and it hasn’t happened, sometimes God says, “Later.”  Proverbs 10:22 says “The blessing of the Lord, it makes rich and He adds no sorrow with it.” When we learn to wait on God’s time, we get the 4-course meal and the dessert with no tummy ache.


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