Grace glasses

Grace glasses

His grace is the only glasses we need!
Yesterday was an exciting day for us, my hubby got to preach his first Sunday sermon! He has wanted to for a long time, but we knew God would do it in His time, and the timing was perfect! This blog is not going to be about that, but his sermon was called “His grace is sufficient”.  If you have been to church any length of time no doubt you have heard a sermon on this scripture, but we all need lots of reminding! That is probably why we keep hearing it… His grace is there for us to know the love He has for us, but another thing I was thinking about was when someone gets glasses or “corrective lenses” they aid them in being able to see things better…or the right way! God’s grace works that way too, they correct our vision so we can see ourselves the way God wants sees us. While Brad was preaching God reminded me once again that it doesn’t matter the father figure we have in our life, because once we come to God He is our father and always sees the best in us! He never makes us feel inadequate, we only do that to ourselves! God has given us all ministries that need to operate properly, but a lot of times we get in the way, we use the worlds “glasses” to measure where we are, but those lenses are so distorted and misleading we end up feeling like we just need to give up! God looks at us with such love and excitement, because He sees what we are becoming! It is so funny to me, there have been times I have overheard people talking about me, and the things they say amaze me because a person’s outlook on you is usually more accurate than the outlook we have on ourselves. People around you see the gifts in you more than you do in yourself. I have no problem looking at anyone and thinking wow look at those gifts, but for myself, I just can’t see! We need to pray for God to help us put on those “corrective lenses” so we can truly see ourselves in His grace!

I love Y’all…

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