Inspiring Blogs

Proof of the Invisible

Proof of the Invisible

By the victory your faith wins, you prove the value of faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ to other people. By your strength when you have problems, you learn to rely more upon God. When you are able to overcome temptation by faith, your belief is seen to be reality.

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God Tells Us The Truth About Our World

God Tells Us The Truth About Our World

The reality of the world is itself evidence for the existence of God. The universe’s fundamental constants fall within a narrow range that is compatible with life. Today, there are 38 recognised cosmic constants. Of these, the most sensitive is the space energy density (the self-stretching property of the universe). Its value cannot vary by more than one part in 10,120, or else life would be impossible.

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Jesus is Your City of Refuge

Jesus is Your City of Refuge

The cities of refuge were arranged in the land of Canaan so that anyone could reach one of them within half a day at most. In the same way, our salvation is near to us. Jesus is a present Saviour, and the way to salvation is close by. We must simply give up our own merit, and take hold of Jesus, to be our all in all.

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