Are You For REAL?

are you for real

I attended a funeral this week for a man that I deeply cared for. Distance has kept us from becoming as close to him as we would have liked, but we did love him.

It grieved me to watch his family deal with the loss, but they did so with grace and strength.

As usual, when I attend funerals, my thoughts drift to when it will be my own time. I am hoping I still have many years left. Although I don’t think I will have as many grandchildren as he did, I would like to live to enjoy the ones I will have.

But, still….my heart longs for home.

And I thought while I was sitting there listening to others describe this man’s life, “What will be said of my OWN life when it is over?”

What is the most important thing I want people to remember about me?

I, of course, want them to remember that I was once a young girl, with young girl dreams…and that some of those childish dreams came to pass.

I want others to remember that I was a wife, although not the best one on the planet, I have loved the same man for almost 25 years. And I’m planning on continuing that tradition for many more.

I want others to remember that I was a mother, and I want it to be known without being said how very much I love my children.

I want to be remembered for my career as a nurse and how much I enjoy caring for others.

But, above ALL of that, I want people to say that I loved the Lord. Really…Really

Because it is through my love for Him that I am a decent enough wife that my husband has not run over me with the car (yet).

It is through Him that I am the kind of mother that I want to be, even in my failings, and there have been many.

It is through Him that I can excel and become the type of leader that I need to be.

And, hopefully, through Him, when that day does come (and it will) there will be those sitting out there that will say, “She won me to the Lord. She gave me a Bible Study. She prayed for me. She inspired me.”

When it is my turn and I have passed from this world to my Home with Him when this body is lowered into the ground after my family has said their final goodbyes when my time is at hand, I want someone to think “she loved the Lord with everything that she had.”

I want people to know this is REAL for me, not something I do on Sunday’s or when I am in public…

I am in love with this Truth…in love with my Savior…

What about you? When your time comes what will those you leave behind be thinking?

Are YOU for Real??

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