The Message Of Your…um…Heart

our hearts desire

The Message Of Your…um…Heart

I have spent a couple of days this week traveling around my area with the head of our Community Education Department. He is a terrific guy and full of idea, young and upwardly mobile, I have gleaned much from him.

Over the years I have spoken many times and if I am well versed in my subject matter, then I do really well and can be quite eloquent.

BUT…for some reason, with this guy standing over my shoulder, I tanked.

He told me, “You go ahead, and I will jump in if I see you drowning.”

Well folks, I was about 10 feet below the surface of the murky pond of public speaking before he dove in with a life preserver.

When we left his only comment was “You say *um* too much.”

Um, I never um really even um realized I um did that!!

I told him, “Give me a break, guy! You have the marketing degree!!! I’m a NURSE!!” 🙂

He gave me so many wonderful ideas, and I WAS excited about the in-service I had planned for today, until, um, Jason pointed out that I um said um too much!!

Needless to say, I was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockers (OK, lame, I know, but I’m tired, people…cut me some, um, slack!!)

Everyone was gathered around and I looked at them with my notes clutched to my chest and I said, “OK, I’m nervous,” and I explained to them what had taken place the last time I had done this.

Just as I had hoped, everyone laughed.

“I am just a Nurse, but I believe in this program, and that’s what I want to share.”

And the rest, as they say, was history. I ROCKED!!!

I have been feeling pressured to obtain the goals set before me with my office. And I have let that pressure override every sane thought, at times. Since there are 2 other companies here that have been here and are established in the community I have felt that was a barrier to our meeting our goals.

But my God has a way of reminding me just WHO He is and that He is in control of little ole’ me!!

As I stood there today listening to the staff in the offices I went to, the theme was the same. We want someone who will do what they say they will do…

And He spoke to me oh, so clearly, “What you thought was a stumbling block is a launching pad.”

John Ford said: “You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.”

It wasn’t the fact that I was an eloquent speaker that made the difference today, it’s that I delivered the message that I FELT inside of me. And when I opened myself up and gave who I really am, not who someone else may feel like I should be, I received the response I needed.

And, sure, there are other providers out there that have more than we do RIGHT now, but I believe in the promises I have set before me.

“Ability may get you to the top, but it takes a character to keep you there.”–Babe D. Zaharias

There may have been someone before me, trying to reach the same people, but something in their delivery was not up to par. That’s where I step in.

There are also people out there who have been looking for Him and have had others come to them with the answer to the longings of their hearts, or so they thought. But after a while, it seems empty, and the need for more rises again.

That’s where we step in. You don’t have to be able to deliver an awesome speech, uses words that are 10 miles long, just give them the message of your heart…

It gets them every time!!

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