” Helping”



Scripture Text: But he answered and said, It is not meant to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs. Matthew 15:26 KJV

The woman of Cannan came out to meet Jesus on the coast of Tyre and Sidon. She was crying to Jesus, “’ Have mercy on me, my daughter is vexed with a devil.” Jesus didn’t say a word to this Canaanite woman.  His disciples were getting annoyed with her and begged Jesus to send her away.  Jesus told his disciples that he was there for the lost sheep of Israel. This lady was so worried and upset. Jesus was testing the Canaanite woman’s faith to see how much she really had. Jesus tried to brush her off by saying’’ giving the children’s bread to the dogs.’’ The gentiles were considered to be dogs because the Gentiles were considered pagans. She agreed with Jesus that she was considered a dog but said that ’’ even the dogs eat the crumbs under their masters table.’’ Jesus told the woman that her faith was great. Her determination paid off in the end. Her daughter was healed. At some point in our lives, we have felt rejected. We have felt like we are ready to throw the towel in and to just give up and stop trying anymore. The enemy would surely love it if we stop doing what we know to do is right. We have to get mad at the enemy and stop letting him control us. Backsliding doesn’t happen overnight, my friend.  It’s a slow process that starts small and then takes over a person. Eventually the next time you see them they are doing wicked, immoral, and corrupt things. What we do for God will matter in the end, right? Some think that they will never pay for anything they have done.  The payday that I am talking about isn’t on the 1st and the 15th.  In God’s perfect timing it will happen. Some things aren’t worth the price we have to pay.  One day the book of remembrance will be read on each of us. Heaven and Hell is for eternity. It’s a time of no end. We will be forever either with the Lord or in eternal damnation.  Let’s make our days count for the good of someone else and make helping a habit. It’s so easy to help friends. Stay Encouraged!

Lynne Conley

Let us all remember in our prayers daily: All the individuals with cancer, heart-related problems, diabetes, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually sick people everywhere. All those individuals that have the authority over our churches, our communities, our jobs, our government, our politicians, our leaders, homeless individuals, the many people who have lost their loved ones, all the elderly in the nursing homes, the shut-ins… that each day that someone will give them all a kind word, and a phone call or a card in the mail from their children. Let’s not forget all the little children with cancer at St. Jude’s hospital, the trauma units, burn units, all those individual are in financial ruin. Our service men and women as they are in harm’s way, they are protecting our freedom.


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