Are You Plugged Into The Right Source?

are u plugged into the right source

Are You Plugged Into The Right Source?

By: Lynne Conley

Scripture Text:  The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt him. Exodus 15:2 KJV

I was at work the one night. I got my vacuum cleaner out of the closet. I plugged into the electrical outlet, and I turned the vacuum cleaner on. I wasn’t paying close attention to it; I was in a hurry and proceeded to vacuum the carpets. Well, my vacuum cleaner wasn’t moving much, I turned around at that point in time to see what was making my vacuum cleaner so tangled up. The long black cord was all tangled up, and the vacuum cleaner kept turning on and off. So, I had to take time to untangle the cord and it worked fine after I straighten the cord out. We can’t think of negative thoughts all the time. The results of negative thoughts are so harmful to our spiritual walk. This one thing I will guarantee you is that. When we spend less time praying, reading God’s holy word. When our church attendances are hit and miss every other Sunday. We can’t expect all the good things of the Lord and never attend church, never pray, never reach for our Bibles to read. The only time we reach for the bible is to clean the dust off of it.  We can’t tangle ourselves in so many things in our lives, which we will leave the Lord out of the picture. We have to make time for the Lord in our lives. I take serving the Lord an honor and privilege. I don’t want to leave the Lord out of my life. I ask the Lord over the simplest things to make sure I have his approval. It’s his approval I am making an effort for each and every moment to please my Lord. All I do for the Lord will matter; I want to reach all I can while I am here. Stay encouraged, I am so blessed to have you all as my friends. I am here to lend a helping hand to each and every one of you all.

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