King Of All Days


King Of All Days

Rom 8:28
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

In Nov of 2008, we had a President elected into office that many were skeptic about but much more were applauding, and as much as I may not agree with President-Elect Obama it does not detour me from what the truth of all this is.  It is that JESUS is moving all into position to come to his church his bride.

The church, that is every one of us baptized in his name, have a call on our lives to do something for the LORD but our primary concern is to pray, fast, and most of all get souls that can be filled with the HOLY GHOST and fire.  There is no such thing as “The Great Commission” as the Nicean church would like people to believe, because all the commissions pertain to one thing, “The Name” and the name of Jesus is to be put out there for people to take a hold of and have their sins washed away with.

What goes on in this world is of no bigtime concern except that we are to awake from our sleep O’ Zion and be alert lest we are deceived.  JESUS said, “Take heed that no man deceive you” (Matt 24:4) so of course we have to be awake and alert and ready to do for the Lord what is necessary and stand up for righteousness and his body.  I’m saying this to encourage because people while they are worried about whats going to happen tomorrow have forgotten that we all have a duty and that we ourselves are not to be troubled because the end is upon us.  The church needs to be alert yes, but not troubled.

In the midst of all this push and shove disorder that they call New Word Order we need to maintain that we are the children of the highest and are not subject to their ways.  A great revival is coming and is come to the Ecclesia “Called out Ones”.  Remember we are called out ones it is the church is what is keeping the AntiChrist system from being complete because he has yet to step onto the scene himself as long as the HOLY GHOST is still here (2 Thess 2:7).  Let us press on and use the power we have to continue to pray and free souls.

I am disturbed by the things that are going on.  The recession, the drop of the dollar, the corrupt firms of banking etc. but…JESUS the GOD of all gods, KING of all KINGS, and LORD of all LORDS keeps me as he should you from the fears that hold the natural world because he is supernatural.  The inspiration here is to press on a weary soldier, your fight is not in vain.

Let the youth awaken from the stupor we are in of inscrutability and be the voice that God destined us for.  Operating in faith and power and a sound mind.  CHRIST in us the hope of glory (Col 1:27) and if he is the hope of glory then what shall we be if he is in us when the time comes for our voices to be heard?  I do not know but we will be able to speak with the anointing.  Kingdoms are built on the backs of youth, we are the backs that the elders can put it on because they cannot bear the weight forever.  In these last days, the King Of All Days will present himself in splendor and majesty.  Let’s be found busy in his work and not to wrapped up in the political and social arena.  JESUS bless you all.

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