The storm is coming.


Baton down the hatches!


I returned home from a powerful singles conference two weeks earlier to find a bit of Job waiting for me. In three days time, both my kids moved out and I lost my job. All source of income gone and the deafening sound of silence in my now empty house was a little overwhelming. I felt the storm coming. I could hear the distant thunder now begin to loom overhead. I did what I do best. I fell to my knees at the feet of my Father, God almighty. I rested my head at his feet, allowing His spirit to sooth any and all fears. Weeping turned to intercessory prayer. I rose above the storm clouds, through the torrential rains, hovering above this fury. I felt such a peace about my children. I knew God had His hand on them and would keep them. I knew God would provide my every need. He had never, EVER failed me before.

We will be hit with storms through our lives. No one is spared. God did not promise us a free passcard to avoid trouble. What He did promise is His sustaining grace, mercy and power to bring us THROUGH our storms. The beautiful thing about our mighty God is He doesn’t shove us through our storms. He walks beside us, never leaving us for a single moment. We may not feel Him in the darkest moments but He is there lighting our path.

Peter in the storm, even ventured bravely to step out on faith, waves billowing around him, engulfing him at times. He was alright as long as he looked directly into the face of Jesus, listening only to the master’s voice. The moment he took his eyes away and looked at the sea, listened to the roar of each wave, he began to retreat into his storm. The moment he cried to Jesus, he was delivered from his storm.

The moment we cry to the only one who gives life, liberty, hope, joy and peace is the moment we are pulled above our storm. The moments we are in the center of the storms eye, our God is right beside us. The storm may still be in all it’s fury but God will sustain us either above or smack dab in the middle.

Let me encourage you through your storms and ask you, what can separate you from God? Can the height and depth of a storm? Can principalities of darkness? Can the power of the enemy? We serve a mighty God who is faithful. If we lose everything in this life and gain Christ, do we not win in eternity?

There will be storms ahead. Secure your foundation with prayer, fasting and the word of God. The closer we draw to the creator, the more peace we will obtain through any dark time we face. Our Father loves us with an everlasting love. He will not leave us to be beaten and forsaken. He will be our strength. God bless anyone going through a storm. God loves you. He is faithful, faithful, faithful. I can promise He will ride out the storm with you and restore that which is lost.

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