Isn’t just amazing how God always makes a way? I marvel at the way that He goes about it! We have heard sermon after sermon about how God knows exactly what we’re going through and that He knows us better than we know ourselves. Sure, we nod along and at the front of our mind, we know that it’s true. But it seems like until He comes through for us at the very moment we need Him to, it’s almost like we realize that we didn’t REALLY believe it until that moment. What’s beautiful about it is that it only takes one time. Once we are able to experience the provision of the Lord first hand for the first time, every struggle we face after that seems to gain more confidence that God will make a way.
It is for these reasons that I find myself being thankful for the struggles (eek, did I really say that?) that God has brought me through. I have been able to share with unchurched friends and brand new babes in Christ about what God has brought me through in my life. I can’t count how many times I’ve been asked the question “How did you do it?” and how many times it’s been said, “You are such a strong person!”. With that, I’m able to give God all the glory and I become aware of why I’m allowed to go through the things that I go through. He has something great in store for me and I’m being prepared for it through these struggles. In the meanwhile, I’m able to witness his love, mercy, grace, and provision all along the way.