The Background Bible Story – Marks Storm: Part 2

The Background Bible Story – Marks Storm: Part 2

Mark 4:36-41 (KJV)

Jesus himself proposed putting to sea at night.

They did not put to sea, till they had sent away the multitude after they met all the needs of the multitude.

They took Jesus without any extra clothing to keep him warm.

Jesus command to the storm was this, Peace, be still.When Mark recorded, “‘Peace, be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm” (v. 39), he meant that Jesus told the sea to be silent, be hushed, and be muzzled like a wild beast; the verb tense of still indicates Jesus told it to be muzzled and stay that way. Ceased means the sea sank to rest as if exhausted, worn out by the labor of its beating.

The storm ended at the command of Jesus.

A word of comfort, that, be the storm of trouble ever so loud, ever so strong, Jesus Christ can lay it with a word’s speaking.

Key Points in The Storm:

Storms come and go.

Raging billows in the form of trials, testings, and even worse will come and it may be difficult to make it through them.

There is potential to take lives physically, spiritually, or emotionally.

There can be miraculous delivery but not always.
Storms on the sea of Galilee are likely to last only hours.

Storms in our lives may last for days, weeks or even months.
Some blow in with a vengeance and test every resource there is even to the point of despair.

Sometimes storms calm down instantly.

Other times it takes a long time.

In this Bible story, we See Jesus standing in that fishing boat, waves dashing against the boat nearly full of water.

His hair is wet from the spray and He cried out Peace! Be Still!!

Jesus brought an immediate answer to the storm and it was over.

Many times Jesus did this.

The Centurian who had a sick servant came to Jesus was healed instantly.

The crowds who came to hear Jesus were hungry and within minutes 5,000 were fed.

Immediate answers are wonderful.

However, the buffering of the gale is much longer.

The answer to prayer seems delayed sometimes and slow coming.

Everyone likes immediate answers to prayer.

Jesus will answer in His time either with an instant yes, or a no, or wait.

He will answer according to His will.

Hold on to this and you’ll find strength through your trials and tribulations.

Read Luke 6:48-49, the flood waters will rise up and winds blow & rage against both the believer’s and the non-believer’s house. The key is your foundation! What is your life built upon when the flood waters do rage against you; will you remain steadfast? Knowing Jesus doesn’t mean or guarantee that you will have an easy life free from pain; but having Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior will mean for you, that you will never ever be destroyed by life’s storms!

Chin up…you are loved by the Master who created you; He will not turn away from you now! It is the people who turn away, not God. Ask yourself this question: What artist, in creating a masterpiece, would allow the masterpiece to be destroyed by others? You and your loved ones are God’s poetry, His fineness workmanship; God will never turn away from you!

God bless
Sister Phyllis


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