November 2022

A Harvest of Peace and Delight

A Harvest of Peace and Delight

There are very few things that are more disconcerting than a child that acts out in public. Whether they are throwing a tantrum to get what they want or trying to embarrass their parents to get them to do something, it makes everyone uncomfortable. As a Christian, we must correct our children when they do this. Discipline should never be seen as punishment, but instead as correction and guidance. Those parents who don’t discipline their children will reap a harvest of disgrace, those who do will reap a harvest of peace and delight.

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just one

Just One

As I walked through the dark streets of Jerusalem, I saw a Mighty Light emanating brightly from a small stable

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Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

‭Are you a person that is easily distracted? Do you feel a little lost when it comes to the direction of your life? Most of us have struggled with those. When we look for help in those areas, people will tell us we need to focus and have a plan, which leaves us in the same place, just more confused. Jesus tells us the keep the main thing the main thing. Love Jesus with everything you have.

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Cascaded with Mercy

Cascaded with Mercy

Have you heard the saying “Cheaters never prosper?” You parents may have told you that when you were a child because one of the kids on your block wasn’t playing fair. There is some truth to that wisdom. Sinners don’t prosper if they continue to conceal what they have done. God doesn’t bless sinfulness, and soon it will take a toil. Instead, he gives us mercy when we come clean. When we do, we are cascaded with mercy.

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