October 2022

Lonely girl


Do We Have Expectations or Are We Expecting? In our previous article “Why We Don’t See The Power,” we defined

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Hashtag BTW

Hashtag BTW The 21st Century has become the Golden Age of Communication, hashtag #norealconnection.  We are more connected than at

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Blessedness in Singleness

Blessedness in Singleness

The single life for Christ is not for everyone. But for those of us it is for, the Lord will give us the strength we need, the love we desire, absolutely everything we need to walk day by day through this life without a human romantic companion, knowing there is no companion anyway that even comes close to the one who is forever. Than to Jesus. Than to Christ. Than to the Lord! AMEN!

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Will You Do This for Me?

Will You Do This for Me?

Ever done something for someone you really, really, really love not because you wanted to do it, but because you really, really, really loved that person? In fact, something you really, really, rehttps://app.storychief.io/apostolic-marketer/stories/43460/edit#/channelsally didn’t want to do, but you just couldn’t help yourself? You so very much loved that person that you went ahead and did it anyway? Because it was totally worth the sacrifice when it came right down to it because that person meant so incredibly much to you?

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