Inspiring Blogs

Falling Down

Falling Down

One day I fell down. Hard. Flat on my face. Ouch. Right onto the hard pavement. Ugh. Not literally. Sinfully. That’s right. I fell right back into old sin. I shouldn’t have been surprised. In fact, I wasn’t surprised. I should have seen it coming. The Lord had warned me. Over and again.

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Don’t Waste Your Life

Don’t Waste Your Life

In the farming industry, plants that don’t produce are cut down and replaced by one that does. To a farmer, a non-producing plant costs him profit. They don’t have the time to nurture it back to health because the costs of water and fertilizer are too high. As Christians, we are to produce fruit in our lives as well. Don’t waste your life on trivial pursuits.

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Overflowing with Hope

Overflowing with Hope

Where I live has been inundated with rain. That hasn’t been the case for the last decade as we suffered through a severe drought. As I type this, I am looking at a creek that is overflowing with swift flowing water. The last time I was here, it was completely dry. Our Christian life seems to be a series of droughts and floods. We go long periods of feeling distant to God and then short periods of being flooded with grace. Did you know God wants you to be overflowing with hope?

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Are You Ready

Are You Ready

Have you ever watched one of those doomsday shows? They are usually about people who are preparing for Armageddon to happen and they are storing up all of the supplies and building shelters. They even have a name; “Preppers.” As a Christian, we don’t need to go to this extreme, but we do need to train ourselves to be ready for the end times. Are you ready?

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