Janae Stanford

Seeing My Future Back in my childhood I have seen my parents being a pastor and wife in the Brighton church. All my life I have been through so many things. One thing I have been asked, "what would I do in the ministry," from friends and my youth pastor and others ministers from other churches. They would tell me you should be a pastor's wife and I would tell them no I could not. Then they would ask me why and I will tell them why? and also I would ask my friends the same thing and they would tell me why too. One thing that caught my attention was seeing my youth pastor and the other youth pastor from other churches I have went to. All the time we would have church service, be at the church having fun, going to youth events. There are so many things to pick from in the church ministry. Like being a choir director, a pastor, youth pastor, and others you can do. But for one thing, I can see in my life is having a boyfriend and date a long time, then get engaged and get married. After getting married and have a wonderful family loving God and being raised in church and doing the same for their kids. For one thing, I know that God knows where my life will go and how my life will end up. From my parents and their parents from the kids and their kids. And when I see my husband and my own family have done the same that our parents done in their lives serving and loving and talking about His word. That is all I can see and say about my future and still thanking God for what He has done for us. Loving God is the best thing you have in your life and do to go pray for people and reach out to them. Bringing them to church to learn about God. That is who we are today, apostolic's tongue talking in Jesus name.

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