Inspiring Blogs

When God Chooses Your Life

When God Chooses Your Life

What if you surrendered your life 100% to the Lord Jesus Christ? Not holding anything back? Willing to yield to Him your plans, dreams, agenda, calendar, time, heart, your work life, your social life, your entertainment life, your romantic life, your family life, your travel life, your sports and hobby life, your housing, your plans, your absolutely everything? Would your life look the same as it does right now? Or would it be entirely different? Or perhaps somewhere in between?

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I Know You Have a Plan

I Know You Have a Plan

I knew even before I was born, the Lord had already planned my life not to mention my life’s purpose. I knew He knew every detail of all to which He would call me, exactly how He would enable me and provide for me, how He would lead me, the help He would send me, everything, absolutely everything, necessary for me to fulfill the life and life’s purpose to which the Lord has called me.

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Let go…

‘To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.’  When God takes something from your

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Discouraging Voices

Discouraging Voices

Discouragement can come from within. Discouragement can come from without. Sometimes discouragement comes from strangers. Sometimes friends. Sometimes even those closest to us. It never feels good, does it? And if we allow ourselves to fall victim to discouraging voices, we can find ourselves feeling down, depressed, confused, disappointed, scared, worried, bitter, resentful, etc. Anything but encouraged and excited as the Spirit of God beckons us to go forward.

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Pride is what motivates our desire to receive glory for what we do. It also tempts us to be better

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Facing the Wrong Direction?

Facing the Wrong Direction?

Needing answers? Trying to make a decision? Having trouble figuring out what to do? Feeling confused? Wondering if you’re headed in the wrong direction? Or the right direction? Or not headed in any direction at all? Stuck? Unclear? Wondering which way to turn? Is it possible you’re facing the wrong direction?

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Center of Hope

Center of Hope

It shouldn’t take any distance at all to go and serve at a Center of Hope. Every single believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should BE a Center of Hope. We should all shine with the love and light of Christ. We should all share the Gospel message. We should all love, pray for, help, and encourage people. We should all counsel people to follow the Lord Jesus Christ by living according to the Bible. We should all display to the world the message of the hope of Christ. We should all distribute to others the resources God gives us to share with others. When people look at us in our everyday lives, they should see Christ’s love, mercy, grace, compassion, comfort, forgiveness, joy, and HOPE!

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